
Can a bottle look sporty, but still have a wide appeal?


Industrial Design


Enerzal was a new sports drink from FDC. The company was known for their Electral brand of Oral Rehydration Powders, which are usually taken to replace lost salts when sick.

Enerzal was intended to be a more general use sports drink, and FDC wanted a brand identity and bottle to set it apart. FITCH worked on the new brand identity, and as part of the team, I was tasked with creating a new bottle that fit the brand’s sporty aesthetic.

Design Process

As the target demographic was a wide range of people, across different age groups, and differing levels of activity, the design was more curvilinear, rather than overtly masculine or chunky and aggressive.

The curved center makes the bottle easier to hold, while ribs provide rigidity. The cap size was chosen to make it easier to drink, even for kids, as compared to the wider caps typically used on sports drink bottles. The new logo was emblazoned on both sides to ensure that the bottle stood out, and represented the brand, even without the label.

The bottle manufacturer then provided manufacturing constraints, and the design was slightly modified to meet the tolerances of the bottling operation.